Keith Family Update

I guess I should update about my life every 5 years or so. haha

I stopped updating this site because I assumed nobody read it but either way, I will try to update it more because it is a nice archive that I can look back on later and enjoy reading.

I used to travel the country and share about what God has done in my life. Currently, I haven’t traveled in a few years and have only done a few engagements locally. Sooo boring, right?

Not exactly. The events in my life just took a shift. I feel busier than ever and my wife does most of the work in the family. I am currently (how many times will I say currently in this post?) living in Aledo, Tx with our 3 bio kids and 2 foster kiddos. I work mainly in automation/creating scripts to improve productivity for my company.

Dylan (17), Isabel (9), and Arlo (7) are keeping us busy this summer with camps and sports in general. Our 2 babies that are with us now have completely shifted our lives around since they came to live with us. We weren’t expecting to get babies so Crystal and I, along with the 3 kids, had to do some major readjusting, haha.

The babies were 7 months and 19 months old when they came to live with us in March of this year. We couldn’t have done it with out the love and help from some great friends. Several people from our church and several people from my work all came together and within a few days we had 2 cribs, 2 car seats, a double stroller, several months supply of diapers and wipes. And of course a huge shoutout to my co-worker that mailed us a Diaper Genie. WITH REFILLS!!! That has been a lifesaver.

Easter 2021

These babies are keeping us on our toes but anytime I start to feel ‘woah is me’, I just think about what they’ve been through in their short life and I stop feeling sorry for myself and just ‘press on’. These babies could be with us for 6 more months or these babies could end up being with us forever. Time will tell. But one thing is for certain, they are getting more love from our family than they have ever seen. And we know that is our job right now.

They command so much attention, you know, being babies and all. I sometimes have to take a step back and remember that my bio kids need just as much attention. Where my parents of 5 at? How do you split your time amongst all of your kids?

Well, that is probably enough for this update. We are braving the beach in a few days. Some may say a ‘vacation’. But for me it is kind of just stressing out in a new location. That is something I need to work on. I will do my best to enjoy and soak in every moment of this quick trip down south.


  1. #1 by hopeforthebrokenhearted on July 24, 2021 - 5:57 am

    It’s nice to hear what the Keith family is up to! Sending love and hugs to you all!

  2. #2 by Janice French on July 24, 2021 - 7:35 am

    I get the “stressing out in a new location”! Love your family and your heart for fostering. Blessed to know you! Proud of you.

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